Women of the Bible - 2 more blocks finished
I finally finished 2 more of my Women of the Bible blocks. This is the first time I've used batiks. I love the color variations within the fabric, but I can see I won't be hand quilting this one.The first block is for Elizabeth (NT). The lesson I learned from her story is that Nothing is Impossible with God. I chose softer colors because she was older when she conceived. The soft pink is because she was a woman and the soft yellow represents the Holy Spirit that came upon John the Baptist even before he was born.
The second block is for Deborah (OT). I have to admit I fizzled out in the study after Deborah and then started up again with the New Testament ladies. I will eventually go back and finish the others. Any applique slows me down. I do love it, but I'm just not that quick at it and I'm very critical of my work so I end up doing and redoing everything a few times. Perfectionist, I guess. I used warmer, bolder colors for Deborah because she was a judge and prophetess. She knew that God was her strength and power. So for her I used the red tone for her strong, powerful character and the yellow represents honey. The block is named Honeybee after all.
I will eventually add the pictures of my other blocks to my blog.